This guest blog post is brought to you by the Westbrook-Walnut Grove (WWG) YES! Team, which is a part of their 2012 Earth YES! class.

The 2012 Earth YES! class has started looking for new and inventive ways to help our planet and our pocket books. One of our first projects will be Plastic Bag Recycling. We are doing this because of the mass amount of bags wasted. Did you know that 7 billion bags are wasted in landfills each year? That’s almost 7 billion feet of plastic if they were connected side by side!! This amount would go around the earth almost 70 times EVERY YEAR! You can help us reduce the amount of bags wasted by recycling them. We have set up recycling bins at the Westbrook High School and at Maynard’s in Westbrook. All the bags that we receive will be brought to Slayton, MN to be recycled. This project will last until the 14th of October. If we have success we may continue this project for an extended amount of time With your help we can get a cleaner Earth.
Thank you for your help!
– The WWG Earth YES! Class