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2024-25 YES Team Projects
Crosslake Community School YES Team
The Crosslake Community School YES Team is planning for this spring and aims to create a school/community garden. To make this vision a reality, they will need the support and cooperation of the school administration. Additionally, they are exploring the idea of incorporating a pollinator habitat on the school grounds, which would greatly benefit their future garden projects.
Harbor City International YES Team
The Harbor City International YES Team is in the second year of their snow leopard awareness and fundraising project. To engage students from their school and other YES teams, they invited participants to design a sticker to raise awareness for snow leopards, the world’s rarest big cat. Once all submissions are in, a winner will be selected, and the winning design will be printed and sold to raise funds for the Irbis Mongolia Center, which is dedicated to studying and preserving snow leopards.
The YES Team at MACCRAY High School is excited to continue working on their outdoor classroom project and is hopeful to complete it this season. Their goal is to create more opportunities for students across the district to spend time outdoors during regular class time.
Mankato West YES Team
The YES Team at Mankato West completed their first campus clean-up of the year on November 13th. They plan to hold these clean-ups periodically, partnering with other clubs and student organizations to expand their impact and promote the goals of the YES program to a broader audience. This clean-up is a longstanding tradition for the team and serves as a great example of how YES Teams can engage with their fellow students.
Northern Lights Community School YES Team
New London-Spicer Middle School and High School YES Teams
Royalton High School YES Team
The YES Team at Royalton High School completed a large-scale prairie restoration last season. While the project will likely require ongoing maintenance, the specific needs are still to be determined. The team has also expressed an interest in solar power and, as a hands-on group, they are eager to find a project that will both deepen their understanding of how solar energy works and allow them to build their own solar-powered projects.
Watertown-Mayer Middle School YES Team
Westbrook Walnut Grove YES Team
The Westbrook-Walnut Grove YES Team has developed an interest in pollinators and their crucial role in supporting wildlife habitats and food sources. They are gathering resources to create pollinator education sessions for elementary students in their district. Additionally, the team is planning a “seed bomb” project to complement these lessons and help engage students in hands-on environmental action.