Our work with youth is only possible through the generous support from the people, businesses, and organizations like you who care about empowering young people to engage in finding solutions to today’s environmental challenges.
Since YES began, volunteers have put in over 1,000 hours per year supporting local youth.
Volunteer opportunities in your area may include:
- Become a coach or co-coach for a local team
- Assist with special events
- Host a tour of your local business/organization
- Be a local expert on waste reduction, energy efficiency, renewable energy, local foods, prairie & land restoration, greenhouses or water quality and conservation for an existing team
- Organize a fundraiser
Host a Tour
During the YES season, students are encouraged to attend the many winter workshops that the YES program organizes. YES is currently looking for local businesses to host a tour for their local YES team.
In the past, tours have included:
Deep Winter Green Houses and Community Gardens
- Power production facilities (solar, wind, hydro, geothermal)
- LEED certified buildings
- Waste, Composting, and Recycling Centers
- Completed prairie, shoreline and other restoration sites
- Water Treatment Plants and local water bodies
Organize a Fundraiser
Work with your local YES team to organize a fundraiser!
Be a Local Expert
One of our program goals is to connect students with their local experts. YES is always looking for experts to meet and talk with students about their projects during a winter workshop.
“These kids are really passionate about what they do.
Their input, advice, and perspective
on community projects is very important to me.”
–Mayor Andrea Lauer