40% of organic compostable materials are currently being sent to landfills. Full Circle Organics, LLC strives to reduce this amount through successfully managing a multi-location cooperative of compost facilities. This includes continuing to expand partnerships, one of which has recently involved the Mankato West YES! team.

Focused on providing organics recycling outside of the metro area, the partnership between the Mankato Public Schools and Full Circle Organics is a match made in food-scrap heaven. The Mankato West YES! team has been teaching their peers and elementary students about what is and is not able to go in the “organics recycling” bins in their lunch lines and why it is important that their schools are composting their food waste. Over 3.5 tons of organics were collected from the Mankato West High School during September and October (an average of 160 pounds per day). In total, this program has begun at 10 Mankato schools this year (with more on the way) and has resulted in over 9 tons of organics being collected by Full Circle Organics and diverted from landfills. These organics are being composted at Full Circle Organics’ Good Thunder facility.
According to Kate Goodman of Full Circle Organics, “the future for organics recycling and composting in Minnesota is limitless. There are so many people in this state that understand what a dire need it is to divert material from the landfill and put it to a better use.”