Wrenshall's YES! Blog documents the work of both their High Mileage and Solar Boat Teams.
Back to Nature in Spicer MN
On Wednesday, March 21st, 2018, 17 students and their coaches from New London Spicer High School, Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City High School, and DREAM Technical Academy YES! teams came together to learn about what a prairie is, why they are beneficial to the environment, how prairies and climate change connect, and different renewable energy sources at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning
Forest Lake YES! Coach honored by MAEE (Minnesota Association for Environmental Education)
Click Here to read about Devon Vojtech, Forest Lake YES! Coach, honored by MAEE (Minnesota Association for Environmental Education).
YES! Teams Hear About Energy Conservation and Climate Change
Written and submitted by Michelle Isaacson, Southern YES! Coordinator On the blustery morning of February 1, 2018, twenty-three students filled in the meeting room at Gustavus Adolphus College (https://gustavus.edu) to spend the day learning more about Energy Conservation and Climate Change. Our speaker for the day, Jenna Totz from Climate Generation, (https://www.climategen.org)
Water is Life, Treat it Right at Prairie Woods ELC
Written and submitted by Ali Dahmes, YES! Coordinator On Tuesday, February 6th, 2018, 30 students and their coaches from New London-Spicer Middle School (NL-S), Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City (ACGC), and NL-S High School YES! teams came together to learn about water quality, best management practices, and aquatic invasive species at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. Dylan
YES! Announces McKnight Foundation Project Funding Winners
Written and submitted by Ali Dahmes, West Central Coordinator On January 25, 2018, the Youth Energy Summit (YES!) Program announced the 2018 winners of the McKnight Foundation Project Funding. Funding was awarded to teams whose projects engage and empower youth to make an impact in their school and/or community on climate change through hands-on projects. Through a competitive