Submitted by Jim DeVries, NE MN YES! Coordinator October 16, 2017 was the day of the Northeast Region Fall Summit. We had 4 teams represented with over 40 participants. The day started with some outdoor team building activities. Teams were blended to enable connections to other schools in hopes that cross communications would offer insights into how other teams function. After a
“The Climate is Changing, Are YOU?”
Written and Submitted by Ali Dahmes, West Central YES! Coordinator Throughout the day during the Fall Summit at St. John’s University, Climate Generation staff Jothsna Harris and Green Corps member Kira Liu presented to students about how to put on a community event using their climate convening model. The three parts to an event like this includes science, stories, and solutions. Jothsna and
“Water, Water Everywhere. We Really Need to Care.”
Written and Submitted By: Ali Dahmes, West Central YES! Coordinator Water really is everywhere, especially in the land of 11,842 lakes. Students from Forest Lake, Sleep Eye Public, Sleepy Eye St. Mary’s, Mankato West, Melrose, Royalton, and Yellow Medicine East Schools participated in a 55 minute session about water. More specifically, they heard from two different water specialist. Jon
Getting Current with Saving Watts and Drops
Written and submitted by Michelle Isaacson, Southern YES! Coordinator What a day! After months of planning and working out details, it seemed like the day of the Fall Summit flew by! I had the pleasure of working with Alexis Troschinetz from the Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs) and Judy Elling-Przbilla from the Southwest Regional Development Commission to plan the Get Current! session revolving
You Are My Sunshine!
Written and Submitted By: Cheryl Glaeser, YES! Development Coordinator Did you know that in 2016 an average of 580 kw of solar power was installed each day in Minnesota? This was just one example of what students learned in the You Are my Sunshine session of the YES! Fall Summit. Eric Pasi, Chief Development Officer with IPS Solar, helped students learn how solar energy works and shared some
YES! At the Minnesota State Fair on STEM Day – This Thursday, August 24, 2017
This upcoming Thursday, August 24, staff from the YES! program will be participating in STEM day at the Minnesota State Fair. YES! will have a booth set up with interactive activities to spread the word about how fun science and STEM is as well as to promote the YES! program. If you will be trekking through the fair on opening day, make sure to stop by Dan Patch Park and say hello! Try your hand