Below is an excerpt from an article that will appear in the next edition of the Warbler (the newsletter of Prairie Woods ELC) written by Steve Friedlein, Challenge Course Coordinator at PWELC.
The winter of 2015-2016 marks the end of the first full season of the Prairie Woods Pinnacle (a 26.5 ft portable rock climbing wall). It has been a huge success! Thousands of climbers of all ages have had the unique opportunity to experience its majestic wonder in their community or at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. The Pinnacle has allowed our Challenge Course to reach more people than ever before. The Mobile Rock Wall was a huge hit at the Prairie Pothole event where 726 people climbed in one day! The Pinnacle also appeared at the Kandiyohi County Fair, New London Music Festival, University of Minnesota Morris Homecoming Football Game, Sauk Centre Wacky Water Days, Church of St. Mary’s in Willmar, Shores of St. Andrew Bible Camp, Sibley State Park, and Granite Falls. Next summer we expect to be on the road every week with the portable wall.
The Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center’s Pinnacle is available for teams (within a one-hour drive of PWELC) as a way to raise money for project seed funds, transportation costs, yearly registration fee, or even attending programs at PWELC. Some fundraising options include setting a fee per climb, seeking pledges, or setting up your own challenges (for example, YES! coach vs Robotics coach – Principal vs Superintendent) to raise money to climb the wall. The “climb for a cause” fundraiser idea was originated by Kandiyohi County Commissioner Roger Imdieke and it was one of the 1st off-site programs for the wall. This event raised almost $6000.
How do YES! teams Climb for a Cause?
- Schedule it
- Promote it
- Help run it (the cost of having the Pinnacle as a fundraiser is greatly reduced when YES! team members volunteer to help with program–and training is provided.)
Contact your coordinator to find out how to bring this fundraiser to your school or to have your YES! team financially benefit from an already established climbing event (for example, a the one at the Kandiyohi County Fair).