Guest Blog Post by the New London-Spicer YES! Team
The New London-Spicer (NL-S) YES! Local Food/School Gardening McKnight Foundation project began with constructing grow light stands for indoor herbal plant starts. YES! collaborated with the shop class to build the stands which were used in the 7th-8th grade science classes and in two elementary classrooms.
Herbs were started and transplanted to the outdoor growing area on the south side of the greenhouse.
Plans are developing for enlarging this herb garden, which currently extends the length of the greenhouse. Sage, basil, thyme, and oregano grew in abundance from the indoor plant starts. The area that will be developed is now being used as a temporary parking lot while the school is under construction. The NL-S YES! Team plans to extend this garden in the spring. Prairie Woods Elementary school is also under construction, but plans are underway for both an herb garden and additional apple trees and possibly grapes.
Sage from the outdoor garden was transplanted to the greenhouse in October and will be harvested when the cooks are ready for it.
Basil was harvested from the outdoor herb garden in early September, and 3 lbs. 2 oz. was brought to the school kitchen.