Good news: YES! has been recommended to receive funding from LCCMR (Legislative-Citizens’ Commission on Minnesota Resources) to help with costs through 2013. In general, LCCMR makes funding recommendations to the legislature for projects, primarily from the Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund. YES staff completed the application and review process last summer, and the nearly 100 proposed LCCMR projects are now awaiting legislature approval.
Why does YES need funding?: Now in its fourth year, the YES program has been operated through a variety of grant awards and public donations. LCCMR funding would help ensure that coordinator staff time and other resources continue to be available to the teams and would also allow for the expansion of YES to additional communities.
Why citizen support is helpful: LCCMR recommendations are approved by the legislature as an appropriations bill. Trust Fund dollars are dedicated by the state’s constitution and cannot be used for the general fund. Due to great financial need throughout the state, however, it is more important than ever that we communicate to our legislators how YES! benefits our communities and schools by providing a great return-on-investment. Your support is heard and considered as legislatures meet to discuss the LCCMR budget.
If you believe that YES! is a good investment, and should continue to impact communities in Minnesota, please consider contacting your Minnesota state senator and/or representative soon to let them know why.
You can click on the following links to find who represents you: House Members 2011 (pdf) Senate Members 2011 (pdf) and visit the Minnesota Legislative website for contact information.