“We learned lots of new energy saving ideas and tips” remarked one YES! student at the end of the day. 39 YES! students and their coaches had just participated in the second of six 2013 YES! Winter Workshops, entitled Composting and Recycling at the College of St. Benedict. These students learned about a range of sustainability initiatives on the campus, including their tray-less cafeteria, the hog farm that composts their food waste, their LEED certified buildings and student housing, recycling and waste reduction tips, hydration stations, and their sports teams’ sustainability pledges.

This winter workshop allowed these YES! students to be mentored by college students and local leaders in the recycling industry, including Doug Lien of Tri-County Solid Waste. These students, who were from Albany, Dassel-Cokato, New London-Spicer, and Willmar, enjoyed learning from the college students about the sustainability initiatives on their campus. One of the students stated “I saw a lot of things that we could bring back to our school”. To read more about the sustainability initiatives at the College of St. Benedict and see the data that they have collected, visit their website.
The success of this winter workshop is getting us excited for the other upcoming winter workshops! To read more about the four upcoming YES! winter workshops, look here.