Having spent the summer hard at work in their school garden, ACGC’s YES team is looking to compost their school’s waste this season. How are they going to do it? They’re building their own Earth Tub! An Earth Tube is a mid-scale in-vessel composting bin that will allow the school to dump in the ‘source-separated organics’ (compostables), stir and collect healthy soil! They’re locating an ice auger and a car battery to help with the stirring and have already constructed the ‘bin’. We’re excited to see the finished product!
Want to read more on the operation of Earth Tub’s in school’s? Eugene, Oregon did a pilot study and wrote a detailed Best Practices Manual on bringing Earth Tub’s to six of their schools. Click here http://darkwing.uoregon.edu/~recycle/PDFdocuments/EarthTub.pdf to read more.