On Thursday, May 17th, the Austin High School YES! Team installed a green roof on their school’s annex building. They have been planning for this day for a long time! This team is coached by Austin High School Environmental Science Teacher Josh Dumas. He is very excited about the project and explained in an interview with KIMT News that the sedum plants covering the roof will “act as insulation in the winter, help keep it warm and they also help slow the water run-off to help with flooding in the spring.”
So far they have been able to cover a little under 300 square feet of the roof with sedum plants, but they will expand this area as they receive funding. Their goal is to continue to work on this project until the whole roof is covered in plants and solar panels. As Mr. Dumas said, “Our goal is to someday kind of intersperse solar panels throughout it and make this a real example to the community of some green technologies.”
Coach Josh Dumas said, “I am really grateful to the YES! program for their support in getting this project, that has the potential to be an ongoing mission for many years to come, started. Students can watch this project grow and the businesses can really be a part of helping this school be more efficient. It has the potential to be a real example and focus of the community here in Austin.”
Be sure to check out the news coverage of their installation by KIMT and KTTC. Way to go Austin YES! Team! We are very proud of your work!