We are excited about what these YES! teams accomplished during the 2016-2017 school year!
Atwater-Cosmos-Grove City (ACGC)
- Completed their tree trench project from 2015-16 and plantted shrubbery. This project was part of a $25,000 grant the team received through the Middle Fork Crow River Watershed District for a tree trench and permeable paver storm drain piping project at their elementary school.
- Collected holiday lights for recycling.
- Collected over 130 lbs. of shoes for WorldWear fundraiser.
- Planned an Arbor Day climate change education and tree trench dedication event.
- Replaced parking lot lights with LED
- Planned to replace paper towels in the bathrooms to hand dryers.
Belle Plaine
- This was a new team!
- Inaugural night hike to gain appreciation for creatures and nature at night
- Organized a sleep out to raise awareness of homelessness in winter
- Assisted Ney Nature Center with hands-on improvements
- Recycling education, recycling program expansion, school garden
Cherry (Iron)
- Designed an electric go-kart. You can find out more information about that project here.
Discovery Middle School (Alexandria)
- This was a new team!
- Got a project ready to go.
- Did a lot of work on their school garden.
Discovery Woods Montessori (Brainerd)
- Learned how to teach water conservation to younger students in the school and provided tips on how to conserve water at school and at home.
- Built rain barrels to use for watering their school garden.
Forest Lake
- This was a new team!
- Stadium cleanup after homecoming football game.
- Planted a pollinator garden.
- Held a booth at Ag Day in their school to educate students on the importance of pollinator plants.
- Participated iin Lobby Day in the cities to present the need for funding environmental clubs and the environment in general.
- Worked toward reusable silverware for the school.
- Focused heavily on waste reduction through education, recycling, and reducing plastic utensil use in the cafeteria.
- Recycled holiday lights.
- Grew plants in milk cartons to give away at their Earth Day table.
- Had games and prizes at a lunch table for Earth Day to educate fellow students while having fun.
- Expanded the school recycling program to include 4 large bins in common areas and 48 more small blue bins for classrooms.
Glencoe-Silver Lake
- Built a supermileage car to compete with in the 29th Annual MTEEA Supermileage Challenge.
- Built a solar boat to compete with in the 25th Annual MRES Solar Boat Regatta.
- Built a tiny house with off grid capabilities (i.e. solar panels) that will be up for sale in January!
- Built a solar boat to compete with in the 25th Annual MRES Solar Boat Regatta.
Lac qui Parle Valley
Helped their watershed district create charts and graphs of water quality from previous years.
- Successfully planted and harvested in their green house.
- Collected holiday lights for recycling.
- Worked on a device to collect rain/snow from their greenhouse roof to use for watering plants to save money.
- Collected shoes for WorldWear fundraiser.
Mankato West
- Helped switch from styrofoam to compostable trays at a local elementary and middle school.
- Participated in community awareness for composting at the local Plate to Garden event.
- Finalized a composting education video for area elementary schools and providing education to the students on the process of composting.
- Worked to reduce waste in elementary schools in their region.
- Created an automatically updating website to display data from the school’s energy monitoring system.
- Prepared for additional hydration station implementation.
- Built bat boxes to put in their community and raise awareness of declining populations of Northern Long-Eared bats due to White Nose Syndrome.
- Distributied new light bulbs.
- Examined the use of power in their classroom lighting.
- Continued to recycle in their school.
Minnesota New Country School
- Educated the elementary students with Xcel Energy kits
- Collected data to determine how much waste the school is generating
- Created an education program to impact and reduce their waste
- Worked on a recycling program and building a greenhouse for our elementary school
New London-Spicer
Worked to reduce food waste in their school by meeting with the school nutritionist for new meal taste testing.
- Successfully planted and harvested in their green house.
- Planted apple trees in the spring
- Completed a vitality week which included awareness days for water, recycling, local foods, and ending with trivia.
- Constructed bat houses as an integrated pest management program.
- Planned to construct an outdoor education teaching dock.
New Prague ALC
This was new team!
- Designed a rain collection system to water pollinator garden.
- Proposed playscape design elements for the local nature center.
- Planned a pollinator garden for the new school.
- Facilitated orienteering course at local nature center to integrate nature into an educational activity.
- Worked on energy conservation in New Prague schools by installing reminders to turn off lights when not in use.
- Raised funds for a rain garden by making and selling candles.
- Established a rooftop garden by building and placing garden boxes on the roof of the high school.
- Sold hot chocolate and seed bombs
- Researched where their recyclables went
- Recycled pop cans for money
- Created and distributed informational pages around their school
- Facilitated a shoe drive to be both donated and recycled depending on their condition
- Looked into replacing disposable silverware and installing milk dispensers in the high school cafeteria
- Collected old cell phones for recycling.
- Researched recycling categories to implement a common recycling station along with an informative slideshow
- Researched feasibility of a simple compost bin at their school
New Ulm Middle School
This was a new team!
- Thought heavily about food waste at their school. Looked into having a ‘share’ table at lunch where unwanted fruits like apples, bananas, grapes, and oranges can serve another purpose.
- Raised awareness of how much recycling currently happens in their school and what they can do to improve recycling rates.
- Found that 27 rooms wanted bigger recycling bins, and worked to secure larger bins for each classroom.
- Researched and set up worm bins to create an alternative destination for food waste.
Northeast Range (Babbitt)
- Planned several environmental education activities to present to area elementary schools.
Northern Lights Community School (Warba)
- Water education for younger students, school garden
- Collected recycling for the middle and high school on a weekly basis.
- Planned to install another hydration station closer to their gym.
- Helped influence the interest in adding in a STEM designated teaching facility at their school.
- Created green classrooms within their school through recycling and energy improvements.
Sartell- St. Stephen Middle School
- Developed a water quality curriculum they will use to teach younger students.
Sleepy Eye (Public and St. Mary’s)
- Participated in local community events including Party in the Park and Corn Days to spread awareness of the YES! team and to educate the community on important environmental topics.
- Planted trees in their community.
- Looked into providing water quality monitoring for a tributary of the Cottonwood River.
- Collected school supplies at locker clean out day that can be reused.
- Sold hot chocolate, cider, and treats at the local Lights in Motion event and helped the organization set up.
- Monitored the staff appliances in the school district using Kill-o-watt meters to determine a fair cost per appliance based on energy use.
- Educated staff and administration about energy consumption of various appliances.
- Recycled holiday lights.
- Worked to reduce and eventually eliminate styrofoam use in the cafeteria
- Organized a movie and pizza night with the showing of Leonardo DeCaprio’s recent documentary
- Participated in the high school paper recycling pickup
- Entered B3 benchmarking data and determinined which buildings need assistance with reducing resource waste
- Recycled shoes through World Wear
- Utilized TerraCycle to recycle items that aren’t accepted into their current recycling system
- Provided education using an energy trailer from Get Into Energy for Earth Day
- Visited classrooms to educate students using energy kits for Earth Day
- Sold dirt cups and solar power made popcorn for Earth Day
- Created pollinator gardens as landscaping at the new convention center
- Recycled holiday lights.
- Conducted a pop tab drive and will be donating all pop tabs collected to the Ronald McDonald House in Minneapolis, MN.
- Looked to install milk dispensers at their school
- Added recycling bins to each classroom and made an educational video to be shown to the school on using them properly. Signs will also be made to insure proper use.
- Created multiple videos on a variety of environmentally important topics for peers to view in class.
- Facilitated a 5K Fun Run with a trail that winds along past YES! projects and informational signage. Proceeds from this run went to water.org.
St. Cloud North Junior High
- Plantied a native prairie/pollinator habitat on their school grounds that will also serve as an outdoor classroom. Funding and education were provided through the Peasants Forever Youth Pollinator Habitat Program
This was a new team!
- Were interested in restoring shoreline of Silver Lake.
- Were interested in starting a composting program in their lunchroom.
Westbrook-Walnut Grove
- Upkeep on past projects including the wind turbine and oil recycling.
- Sorted through and documenting the school’s recycling efforts.
- Added recycling bins in the school.
- Hosted a volunteer day in their community where they raked leaves. Read more about that here.
- Gave presentations to elementary students about water use and conservation.
- Continued their solar pop can heater project from 2015-16 and tested different colors of paint to see which was more effective.
- Researched how to run a diesel engine on vegetable oil.
- Worked on creating a recycling depot where members of their community can recycle plastic bags, aluminum cans, and oil.
- Met with local service organizations to see what need the community had for sustainable projects
- Expanded pop tab collection into their community. There is currently 5-6 sites in the school and students placed 5 more in the community at local businesses.
- Inherited the city’s can recycling to expand their existing oil and plastic bag recycling station
- Conducted tire pressure checks on teachers’ cars and left a note indicating the environmental impact and gas wasted from improperly inflated tires.
This was a new team!
- Provided labor to construct a recycling center that will serve over 500 rural residents in Carlton County.
Yellow Medicine East
Planned on transferring crops from the LED greenhouse at their school to the lunchroom.
- Planned to adopt a storm drain.
- Looked into installing another hydration station in their gym.
- Researched composting with worms from agriculture classes.
- Collected shoes for WorldWear fundraiser.