This page will be continuously updated with resources, information, and links for YES Coaches and Students.
2024-25 YES Google Calendar
Activity Checklist
An exciting addition to this year’s YES Season is the 2024-25 YES Activity Checklist; this checklist contains activities and research ideas from categories including Building Community Within YES and Beyond, Environmental Education, Water Conservation, Land Restoration, Waste Reduction, Climate Change, Green Careers, Local Foods and Gardening, Energy Conservation and Solar Energy.
Directions: Complete three or more items from the following checklist. Choose a minimum of two activities and one research project. Submit photos and descriptions to [email protected] and YES will supply donuts to celebrate YOUR Teams’ accomplishments. Deadline for checklist items: March 15, 2025
Activity Checklist Activity Checklist: Completed Activities
2024-2025 Workshops
From January 24-26, 2025, Youth Eco Solutions kicked off the year with our very first YES Weekend Retreat at the Wolf Ridge Environmental Learning Center! It was an amazing experience for our youth leaders to dive into hands-on workshops, enjoy team-building activities, and explore the beautiful North Shore of Minnesota. We had so much fun with activities like block printing, earthworks, bird watching, studying frozen lakes, animal tracking, snowshoeing, cross-country skiing, and more. A big thank you to Wolf Ridge for making this all possible with their scholarship program. Want to see what fun summer programs Wolf Ridge has in store? Check out the following fliers: camp programing, how to be a camp counselor and S.T.I.N.T BWCAW Trip.
On November 8, 2024, Maggie Morin, Outreach and Volunteer Coordinator at Friends of the Boundary Waters, delivered an insightful presentation on the significance of Minnesota’s unique Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness. She discussed the beauty and ecological importance of this incredible area, as well as how to get involved with local government to help protect it for future generations. Youth Eco Solutions was honored to host Maggie for this enlightening and inspiring discussion. Couldn’t make it? Watch the recorded presentation here.
On October 9, Youth Eco Solutions had the honor of hosting winter adventurer Emily Ford at the annual YES Fall Summit at Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. In her inspiring presentation, Emily shared valuable lessons from her remarkable adventures. Youth Eco Solutions is incredibly grateful for the opportunity to hear from Emily and learn from her experiences.
About Emily Ford: Emily Ford is a winter adventurer and thru-hiker based in Duluth, Minnesota. She has completed several epic thru-hikes, including the 1,200-mile Ice Age Trail. In the winter of 2022, Emily completed a solo 180-mile ski journey through the Boundary Waters Canoe Area and Wilderness, accompanied by her Alaskan Husky, Diggins. Now, she spends her winters running sled dogs in Alaska. Emily is passionate about making outdoor adventure accessible to everyone, regardless of race, gender identity, or background, and strives to represent underrepresented voices in outdoor spaces.
Check out what other YES Teams are accomplishing this season!
Funding from Other Sources
YES Team Manager, Jake Schwinghammer, can help your team seek funding from local and regional organizations such as Rotary Club, Lion’s Club, Walmart, utilities, etc.
- Funding Factory
- Inkjet and toner cartridge recycling program
- Tru Earth
- Online eco friendly product sales
- Jo Coffee
- Online and in person organic coffee sales
- Eco Phone
- Electronics recycling fundraiser
- FUNDrive
- Used items drive
- Charity Recycling Service
- Clothing recycling fundraisers
- World Wear Project
- Clothing recycling fundraisers
- Bonfire
- T-shirt fundraisers
- “One + One = Change” Campaign
- Creating a YES Campaign Worksheet
- Local Support Sample E-mail
- Local Support Sponsorship Levels
- Tips for Seeking Local Support
- Links to LOCAL organizations that have supported YES Teams in the past:
Coach Resources
- Helpful tips, from coaches, to coaches
- Start A YES Team Guide (helpful for seeking funding or other support from community partners or school administrators)
Project Resources
- By Topic:
- List of Eco Project ideas compiled from past team projects
- Fill-in-the-S.M.A.R.T. Goal handout – A little bit of structure to help students discuss and plan projects!
- Complete list of YES! Project Guides – Developed by coaches, for coaches!
- List of hands-on project ideas by topic to do as a team or individually – Developed to accommodate distance-learning during the pandemic
Important Media Guidelines
We LOVE it when teams share the news about their activities through local media outlets! Please follow these guidelines:
- All press releases naming YES must be reviewed by YES Team Manager, Jake Schwinghammer, before the article is published so we can verify that program information is correct.
- If a YES Staff member was involved in the planning or implementation of the activity described in your press release, include their name and title in the article.
- EVERY press release must give credit to our major funder, the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resource Trust Fund (ENRTF). It is a written stipulation for us receiving the grant money, and neglecting accreditation can be a reason for termination of grant funds! Copy/paste this funder language into your media release, website, poster, etc.:
Major support for YES comes from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) and the National Science Foundation Grant 2147839 with UMN Institute on the Environment. Thank you!
YES! Logo ENRTF Logo UMN Institute on the Environment Logo
YES Blog Guest Post: Students are encouraged to showcase their team and its projects by writing a short article that will be posted in the YES Blog on our website! Contact YES Staff for more information.
Recorded Virtual Events
- Solar Energy Workshop (April 22, 2024) Presenters: JBryn Shank, Outreach and Engagement Representative at Cooperative Energy Futures. Click here to view the recording (22 min) and learn about local, clean energy!
- Climate Change Photography Workshop (Jan 19, 2024) Presenter: Olaf Kuhlke, the Professor and Chair of Arts Entrepreneurship at Minneapolis College of Art and Design. Click here to watch this recording (53 min) and learn how to see and capture dynamic photographs that communicate the current effects of climate change. For more information, visit our blog.
- Evergreen Collective Workshop (Jan 11, 2024) Presenters: Taylor Hall, Founder of Evergreen Collective. Watch this recording (32 min) and learn how Evergreen Collective makes sustainability simple with their values of low waste, fair labor and transparency. Read more about this event on our blog.
- “Students Working Together: Energy Actions at School” (Mar 1, 2023) Presenters: Jake Selseth and Alexis Troschinetz from Clean Energy Resource Teams (CERTs). Click here to view the recording (50 min). To view presenter slides, click here. To download the Classroom Energy Hunt worksheet with Teacher Instructions, click here.
- “Soil Health + Gut Health = Human Health” (Jan 27, 2023) Presenter: Jolene Carlson. Read about it on our blog. Click here to view the recording (1 hour 13 min). To view the slides that Jolene used, click here.
- Want to bring solar power to your school? Watch this recorded presentation about Minnesota’s new Solar for Schools grant opportunity (14:08 in video) and the exciting Power2Share Solar Suitcase program (24:40 in video)! (Oct 28, 2021 at MN Science Teachers Association conference)
- YES! 2021 Virtual Fall Summit (Oct 27, 2021) Read about sessions and presenters on our blog. Click here to view the recording (2 hours 16 min)
- YES! 2020 Virtual Fall Summit – Climate Change in Minnesota (Sep 30, 2020) View the schedule with presenter bios and session descriptions here. Click here to view the recording (2 hours 49 min)
- “How to Make Sense of Minnesota’s Changing Climate” (Oct 28, 2020) Presenter: Dr. Kenny Blumenfeld, Senior Climatologist at MN Department of Natural Resources. Click here to view the recording (67 min)
- “Investigating Climate Change Using Ojibwe Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Scientific Ecological Knowledge (G-WOW Model)“ (Dec 3, 2020) Presenter: Cathy Techtmann, Environmental Outreach Specialist for the Community Development Institute, University of Wisconsin Madison-Division of Extension. Click here to view the recording (58 min)
- “Climate Justice Education Bill Initiative” (Feb 3, 2021) YES! Virtual Visit with YEA! MN. Click here to view the recording (20 min)
- “Climate Change and How it Affects Flooding in MN” (Feb 10, 2020) Presenter: Erik Dahl, Planning Director with the Minnesota Environmental Quality Board. Click here to view the recording (55 min)
- “Step into a Green Job Experience” (Mar 3, 2020) For a recording of the YES! Green Jobs Workshop Video with Central MN Jobs & Training Services Employers, click here. For a recording with Southwest MN Private Industry Council Employers, click here.
2024-25 YES Seed Fund Reimbursement Request Form
Your team can request up to: 1) $500 for Project Seed Funds and 2) $750 for District Expenses (e.g., substitute teachers; transportation to YES! events). After expenses are incurred, please submit this form and receipts as soon as possible. This form and receipts must be received by May 31, 2025.
2024-2025 Registration & Procedure
The Team Fee is $600 for the 2024-25 season; payment is due by December 1, 2024.
ALL students must complete two forms when they join your team. The forms must be submitted before students attend YES workshops and other events.
Parent Information, Liability Release and Photo & Media Release e-Form for YES Participants
*YES has created a Google Spreadsheet for each team to help coaches stay up to date with student information; if this has not been shared with you, please email [email protected].
YES is a program of Prairie Woods Environmental Learning Center. Major support for YES comes from the Minnesota Environment and Natural Resources Trust Fund (ENRTF) and the National Science Foundation Grant 2147839 with UMN Institute on the Environment. Thank you!