"Growing green schools across America: Developing healthy and environmentally friendly schools." October 24-26 Minneapolis, MN.check out their website for further information http://www.greenschoolsnationalconference.org/ Keynotes and Speakers include: Rachel Gutter Director of Center for Green Schools Jayni Chase Founder of Center for Environmental Education Philippe Cousteau Environmental
YES! Update 9/30
Team meetings We are excited to help out with your projects! The YES! program is unique in offering team visits throughout the year, and we feel it contributes greatly to the success of the teams. Please let your YES! coordinator know two dates/times that would work well for to meet with your team in the next month - and we'll get a meeting on the calendar as soon as possible. Summit Summary
YES! Update 9/23
Fall Summit What: Fall YES! Summit and Career Expo When: Tuesday, September 28. Registration open 8:30 am. Activities begin promptly at 9:00 am. Depart by 2:30 pm. Where: PE building at SMSU in Marshall. Both building and recommended parking are indicated on map. (yellow dot = PE building; blue dot = best access to PE building) Lunch provided.
YES Update 9/16
Fall YES! Summit updates RSVP forms: we will not be using the form on our website. Instead we ask that you please send us an e-mail indicating - number of students and adults; any dietary specifications; number of returning participants and number of students who attended last year's Summit - by Tuesday, September 21. Please NOTE: Building location change: We will not be in the PE building on the
Attention coaches: Bus-pooling
Coaches, if your team could bus-pool with other teams to the September 28 event in Marshall, post your interest and proposed meeting location in a comment here.
Ag Literacy Grants
Minnesota Agriculture in the Classroom (MAITC) provides grants to schools to integrate agriculture into their classrooms and/or help them undertake a special idea or project. They are encouraging grant applications in the areas of youth gardening, unique integration and innovation in the classroom, and field trip experiences. Grant application deadlines are 9/15/2010 and 2/1/2011. For more